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Folly Coffee

Folly's Finest

Folly's Finest

Regular price $19.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.50 USD
Sale Sold out

Shipping Information: Orders placed on or before 3:00PM on Tuesdays are produced and shipped on Thursdays.

Drink coffee from Folly Coffee, an award winning Minnesota coffee roaster! We are on a mission to constantly push the quality and flavors of the coffees we roast, and Folly’s Finest is the latest in this pursuit.

Folly’s Finest features a rotating single origin coffee selected by Head Roaster Folly Jeff, a certified Q-Grader and nationally ranked coffee taster (forreal, there’s a national competition). Every so often, we taste a sample that knocks our socks off, but due to limited availability, higher price points, or a number of other reasons it doesn’t fit within our existing selections. Folly’s Finest allows us to jump on these opportunities.

This coffee is available in 8oz and 5 pound bags with nitrogen flushing & one way valves to keep the coffee fresh during shipment. Perfect for pourover, Chemex, Aeropress & French Press. Check out the details below for the latest selection by Folly Jeff!

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